Home Learning
The Albion Primary School Homework Policy
- To provide parents with guidance in supporting children’s learning at home
- To give parents a range of ideas and suggested open ended activities to undertake with their child
- To develop our pupils’ ability to study independently
- To give children opportunities to learn in different contexts, environments and with other people gaining an understanding that learning goes on in all settings
- To enable children to practise skills and develop an increasing understanding of the work undertaken in school
Homework reinforces and/or extends learning where it is relevant to the work that children are doing at school.
We use the term “homework” to include any learning activity that children, individually or with their parents/carers, undertake outside school.
Children at Albion Primary School are expected to work very hard during the day and we encourage a variety of activities, including academic study, to be carried out at home.
Homework Extension Ideas KS2