Albion Primary School


Admissions into Nursery

We have a full-time nursery, offering 60 places with the option of either full time or part time mornings.

Part Time Hours Full Time Hours
8.45am - 11.45am 9.00am - 3.00pm
15 hours a week 30 hours a week

We are open term time only , 5 days a week.  We can also be contacted at

If you are eligible for the Government’s 30 hours free childcare scheme, then your place will be free of charge.

You can check if you are eligible here:

When making an application for nursery, parents are advised to submit their children’s names as soon as possible after the child’s second birthday. Your child’s name will then be put on to our waiting list. However, please remember that having a child’s name on the waiting list does not guarantee a place.

Applications for admission to our Nursery are made directly to the school. To apply for a nursery place, please come into the school to complete an application form. Please also bring along your child’s birth certificate, proof of address i.e. child benefit letter or Council Tax letter and, if eligible, your 30 hours eligibility code.

Admissions into Reception

All applications for children starting school in Reception are to be made via

Further information about applying for Reception places can be found in the publication “Starting Primary School in Southwark 2025/26" which can also be downloaded from the Southwark Council Website - via the link below:

Please note, children who already attend our nursery are not guaranteed a place in Reception. A separate application must be made via e-admissions.

  • School outcomes for Reception places are sent by email during the evening of 16th April 2025.


You can appeal against the decision not to  offer your child a place at a preferred school. Please see below for further information on  how to appeal.

Community primary schools

If you were unsuccessful in being offered a place for your child at a Southwark community school and would like to appeal, you will need to complete and return an admissions appeal form by the set date. For a printable copy of the admissions appeal form and guidance notes, please visit:

The email containing the outcome of your child’s application will also give you information about how to appeal.

Independent appeal panels will consider all appeals and the hearing will be clerked by an independent appeals clerk. You will be able to attend the hearing.

Appeals are heard in June/July. This is to allow for movement after the offer date where places become vacant as families may have accepted a place at an alternative school. 

In year admissions

If you are thinking about moving your child to another school during the academic year, you should first raise the matter with his/her Headteacher.

Please note, if your child is currently in Year 6 we discourage any disruption to the child’s education unless there exceptional circumstances (e.g. a change of address)

Transferring your child from one Southwark school to another Southwark school

If your child is currently attending a Southwark school and you plan to apply for a place at another Southwark school, you must complete the Southwark in-year application form.

You can also request a paper copy of the in-year application form from the school directly.

You must then return the completed in year application form directly to the school you are applying to.

Making a new in-year application to a Southwark school

If your child is currently not attending a Southwark school and you would like to apply for an in-year place at a Southwark school, you must complete the Southwark in-year application form.

You must then return the completed in-year application form by post to:

School admissions team (4th floor)
Hub 2, Children’s and Adults Services
Southwark Council
PO Box 64529
London, SE1P 5LX

Or by email to  

Alternatively, parents/carers can collect a Southwark in-year application form from Albion Primary School, complete it and hand it back to the school office (or email where it can then be processed. We ask that you also send a copy to the School Admissions Team within Southwark. This process is different for children who have an EHCP.

Admission for Special Educational Need and Disabled Children

At Albion Primary School we are committed to ensuring equal treatment of all our pupils who may have any form of disability. We will ensure that disabled young people and adults are not treated less favourably in any procedures, practices or service delivery. The school acknowledges the fact that reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils are essential to support children.

The admissions process for children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) is coordinated by the Southwark Local Authority SEND Team. All applications will need to be sent to them. It is important that parents/carers contact the SEND Team as the school will not be able to process the application.

All children whose EHCP states that they should be allocated a place at Albion Primary School will be considered for admission subject to availability of a place and no-one on the waiting list having higher priority.

Applications for SEND children are completed as above, but there is an additional step in the process once the application has been received which assesses the school’s ability to provide for the specific special educational needs of each child applying. The assessment is done on a case by case basis.

Admission Criteria for Southwark Primary Schools

(for all years excluding nursery)

In the event of there being more applications than places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

  • Children in public care (Looked After Children) and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order
  • Children with siblings who are already on roll at the school and will still be on roll at their date of entry
  • Children with exceptional medical, social or psychological needs, where it is agreed by the Local Authority and the Head teacher that these can best be addressed at a particular school
  • Children living nearest to the school as measured by a straight line from the child’s
    home to the main school gate.

For the purposes of measurements, these will be measured by a straight line from the child’s home to the main entrance as agreed with the Head teacher using a computerised mapping system (free map tools UK distance between full UK postcodes) which are measured in kilometres and as the crow flies.  The Headteacher will allocate places according to the above criteria.  Accessibility by car or public transport will be disregarded.


PDF icon Admissions Policy

PDF icon Admission form




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