RL - Music
Remote Learning - Music/Singing
Hello Albion Children!
Welcome to your Music of the Week super listening challenge! Each week I will post a youtube video of a song here - one for each year group for you to listen to. Open up the worksheet for your year group, and inside you'll find some fun moving, drawing and writing activities to do whilst you listen. There are also instructions for your adults at home, who can help you.
If you don't like the song I chose, you can choose your own! I'd love to hear about the music you are listening to whilst you are at home.
Video Links
Reception - The Tiny Caterpillar
Year 1 - Summertime Larry Adler
Year 2 - African Drumming Example
Worksheets and Activities
EYFS & KS1 Worksheet and ActivitiesYear 3 & 4 Worksheet and ActivitiesYear 5 & 6 Worksheet and Activities