Albion Primary School

Remote Learning (Parents) 2021

Remote Learning (Parents)

Remote Learning – Spring 2021 Lockdown

Please find below a link for parents/carers regarding how we are supporting the education of children remotely. If you require further information please contact the class teacher via the class email or the school office on 02072373738

Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents/Carers

Remote Education: 10 Top Tips for Parents/Carers

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Parent/Carer Survey - January 2021

Remote Learning Class Timetables

We continue to offer online learning through Google Classroom where children can access work and communicate with the teacher. We have introduced ‘live’ sessions and provided children with timetables for the day. In order to:

  • give children and parents/carers more structure to learning at home every day,
  • avoids overwhelming students and parents/carers
  • support students and parents
  • engages more pupils
  • provide regular interactive contact between students and teaching staff


Google Classroom and Google Meet
Live sessions will be accessed through Google Classroom. It is important that children log on each morning and attend their sessions, submit their work, and sign into the register first thing in the morning. All live sessions will be recorded. This is ensuring every child has access to the learning eg. there may be siblings with limited access to shared device, sibling A can be present in the live session while sibling B can watch their recorded ‘live’ session later on in the day. These recordings will be found in the ‘Recordings’ folder within Google Classroom. Children can access these at any point in the day and watch the session and complete the work.

To see our Remote Learning Policy click on the link below.

Remote Learning Policy


If your child is self-isolating learning should be continued at home.


Tutorials have been created to assist parents/carers with remote learning:

How to log into Google Classroom

How to submit work to the class teacher

What happens if my child is learning at home?

Our approach to remote learning

There should be no interruption to children’s learning.  We will provide learning at home when pupils are self-isolating:

  • if we have closed a class or year group ‘bubble’;
  • your child has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and/or a positive test result;
  • your household has been contacted as part of Test & Trace;
  • any local or national 'lockdown' where schools close.

Nursery and Reception

Children in our Nursery and Reception will be set learning activities by their class teachers via Google Classroom.

Mini videos relating to phonics will be created by Albion teachers and provided to families. Alternatively, the teacher will post phonic videos into Google Classroom to assist families with teaching their children phonics.

Click here to read more about the provision that took place during the first lockdown for early years.

Years 1 to 6

Google Classroom is our chosen digital education platform. Over the coming weeks and months children will become even more familiar with Google Suite as their teacher begins to use it as a tool in the classroom. Teachers will use Google Classroom to:

  • set work matched to the learning that is happening in class;
  • receive completed work, handed-in by pupils working at home;
  • mark and give feedback about work completed each day when necessary;
  • contact your child by audio or pre-recorded video to check on their learning regularly or to keep in touch.

If a pupil is unable to access the internet or a device, we will provide learning on paper and/or pupils will be directed to specific pages in the CGP books for English and maths.

In the event of any closure, your child will be asked to log into Google Classroom to access links to Oak National Academy English and maths video lessons. These will be linked to work set by your child’s class teacher.

If another national lockdown occurs where the children have been away from school for a considerable amount of time, senior leaders will organise class meets (video conferencing) through Google where children can participate in a class assembly. For safeguarding purposes, all class assemblies will be recorded and saved on the school’s secure cloud-based server. By joining the class assemblies, you are giving consent for your child to be recorded on Google Meet.  

What happens if my child is self-isolating, but the rest of the class is still in school?

If your child is self-isolating due to COVID symptoms or as directed by 'test and trace' and the rest of their class is in school, understandably the class teacher will need to balance teaching in school with preparing work and giving feedback to your child at home. Your child will receive an audio recorded message or written feedback in Google Classroom.

The Oak National Academy have listened to feedback and have worked hard over the summer to completely rerecord all their lessons. These pre-recorded video lessons are recommended by the government for schools to use. Lessons are blocked and link to the intended outcomes of the National Curriculum. This means our teachers can select the block or unit of work that directly links to our Albion curriculum and sequence of teaching without any interruption to your child’s learning.

Be prepared

Check your child can login into Google, and access Google Classroom. Your child will have been given their username and password. Parents/carers too would have been provided this information during the first lockdown. If you need any information again, please contact your child’s class teacher using year group email address eg. Year 3 email address is   

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